Qualification and Certification Scheme

GUL Training (GULT), a division of Guided Ultrasonic Limited, operates the GUL Qualification and Certification Scheme.

The original GUL Training scheme was set in the year 2000, and has been updated to its current form in 2018. The GULT Qualification and Certification Scheme has been developed to comply with ISO 17024:2012 for Personnel Certification. Furthermore, the training, qualification and certification requirements listed in the scheme document and Annexes have been written to comply with those stated in ISO 9712:2012. While there are no requirements listed within the ISO 9712:2012 for the GWT method, GUL Training, in consultation with an independent and industry-led Advisory Committee, has defined the appropriate requirements for the guided wave testing method.

The guided wave testing method can be applied to a variety of product sectors (see Annex 1 of the GULT Qualification and Certification Scheme), including (but not limited to), pipes, rails and plates. Additionally, within these product sectors, specific application sectors have been defined and combine the competency requirements for common industrial applications. The GULT certification scheme is generic to all products and application sectors of GWT using Guided Ultrasonics Ltd. (GUL) equipment. The referenced application sector specific documents indicate all of the sector specific information.

GULT is the only training and qualification certification provider approved by GUL to operate GUL Equipment and Software.

GULT issues original Certificate of Competence to eligible GULT-trained personnel who have successfully passed the qualification examination in their qualifying sector and validated their certification as well as an Inspector iButton that identifies the inspector to the software and operates as a software licence. The validation process is a confirmation of competency to perform the defined inspection tasks and a demonstration of ability to detect flaws and defects, and to satisfy specifications that call for certificated competent inspectors.

GULT maintains Qualification and Certification Scheme for NDT personnel in the Guided Wave Testing method, compliant with ISO 9712:2012 and ISO 17024:2012. GULT holds a quality management system certification according to ISO 9001:2015 and it is overseen by an independent, external and industry-led Advisory Committee for impartiality and industry feedback.

GULT Certification is the only approved scheme for the operation of GUL equipment.

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