About the iButtons

The inspector iButton provides a simple method for a GULT trained inspector to identify themselves to the instrument and the software.

It is not required in order to use Wavemaker instruments or the WavePro software (data can be collected, analyzed, and reported without one). However, using the instrument in connection with an iButton does provide several advantages.

  • When connected to a computer (via the iButton reader), it serves as a licence for the WavePro software. This allows a qualified inspector to analyze and report data from any computer without purchasing any software licences. There is no need to be connected to the instrument (that also acts as a perpetual licence server for the software).
  • When logged into the instrument, the verified inspector information is logged with the test file. This built-in validation that the test was performed under the supervision of a suitably qualified inspector, simplifies the QA validation process that many end-clients request in their reports.
  • An inspector can log onto the instrument or the software and show their GULT qualifications to anyone who requests them. This reduces the need to carry copies of printed certificates.
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