
Since its incorporation in 1999 by members of a research team at Imperial College’s Mechanical Engineering Department, Guided Ultrasonics Limited (GUL) has pioneered the Guided Wave Testing (GWT) method for pipeline inspection and monitoring. Learn more about the company here.

GUL is a high technology company with a unique culture based on world class customer service, excellence, teamwork, and commitment to meritocracy. The quality of our people is the cornerstone of our continuing success. We stand out because we are responsive to and understand our client needs. Learn more about the GUL Team here.

GUL develops and delivers innovative, visionary and essential technologies for a substantial and diversified client base around the world that includes oil and gas companies, refineries, chemical processing, transport infrastructure, and power generation enterprises. We do not provide an inspection service. Our inspection equipment and monitoring services provide inspectors and asset owners information that enables them to safely increase the efficiency of their facilities. Learn more about applications here and affliations here.

The company has its headquarters are London (UK), and offices in Houston (Texas, USA) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), and a network of representatives all over the world. Learn more about locations on the contact form.

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